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Safe Care Learning Center Toddler Curriculum


Toddlers: Wonder Zone (2 year olds)


Wonder Zone’s curriculum is designed to reinforce a toddlers needs.  Our wonderful toddlers will participate in sensory-based learning experiences, while receiving positive guidance. What the toddlers learn throughout the day enforces what is or should be being taught at home. During the day at Safe Care Learning Center, our curriculum will help your child develop their communication, emotional, gross motor, and fine motor skills. Some activities they participate in around the classroom consists of: signing songs, finger play, working on their vocabulary through identification and repetition, learning how to wash and dry their hands, and practice sharing with other kids. Teaching them these things will encourage the toddlers to work at their own pace so that they will succeed in the skills they are developing.


Areas of Development

The Wonder Zones toddler curriculum will focus on your toddler’s primary areas of development.


Physical Well-Being and Motor Development

  • Participates in healthy self-care routines, demonstrating increasing independence such as washing hands and pouring their own milk with assistance from an adult.

  • Shows increasing control in motor skills such as rolling, throwing, and kicking a ball and jumping.

  • Uses hand-eye coordination to perform self-help and small motor tasks, such as eating with fork or spoon, completing puzzles, stacking blocks, dressing themselves with assistance, and scribble with crayons and markers.

Approaches to Learning

  • Uses their senses to choose, explore, and manipulate toys in many different ways.

  • Maintains focus on people or objects of interest, play experiences, or novel events.

  • Seeks and accepts help when encountering a problem beyond his/her ability to solve independently.

  • Repeats experience with materials, adults, and peers to build knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

Social and Emotional Development

  • Begins to recognize own power by showing interest in making choices or expressing preferences.

  • Begins to control behavior through following simple rules and limits in a variety of settings.

  • Explores the environment, both indoors and outdoors, but may return to a caring adult periodically for security.

  • Initiates interactions with other children through gestures, vocalizations, facial expressions, and/or body movements.

Communication, Language, and Literacy

  • Participates in conversations, using both receptive and expressive language skills.

  • Points to, labels, and/or talk about objects, events, or people within books. Also enjoys and repeats songs, rhymes, or fingerplays.

  • Shows increasing skill in manipulating objects such as stacking several items, using pegboards, and mastering the use of eating utensils.

Mathematics and Science

  • Begin to use simple counting in play and interactions, although numbers may occur out of order.

  • Shows recognition of sequence in events or objects. Also notice patterns and objects in the environment and organizes objects into groups during play and exploration.

  • Shows awareness of his/her own body space and takes objects apart and attempts to put them together.

  • Engages in a variety of play experiences and exploration within inside and outside environment.

Creative Arts

  • Chooses and experiments with a variety of art material such as play dough, crayons, chalk, water, markers, and paint.

  • Chooses and participates in music and movement experiences and sings simple songs and participates in finger plays.

  • Engages in dramatic play in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Social Studies

  • Expresses enjoyment at being in a familiar setting or group and free explores and plays within familiar settings.

  • Chooses and participates in familiar setting or group.

  • Explores and plays with new, as well as familiar objects, in the environment using all 5 senses.

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