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Safe Care Learning Center School Age Curriculum


School-agers: Skilled Learners (5-12 year olds)


The Skilled Learner’s curriculum is designed to be a before- and after-school care program that balances time to learn, time to play with friends, and completing homework with sports and other physical activities. Our curriculum will be based on introducing the center’s STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program including the following below. These programs are available for school-age children to bridge the time between school and a parent's work schedule, as well as to provide full-time child care during school breaks and summer vacation. At this stage of childhood education, children want to discover who they are and pursue their own interests. They want opportunities to create things, explore acting and drama, master computers, discover new books, and construct imaginary worlds with recycled materials. Whenever school is out, our program is there to encourage the children’s desire for new challenges and opportunities that celebrate their expanding world.


(Age 5-7)

  • Character building activities

  • Physical fitness and nutrition

  • Supervised recreation

  • Homework assistance

  • Computer and language instruction

(Age 8-10)

  • Mentoring

  • Homework assistance

  • Youth leadership and character building activities

  • Physical fitness and nutrition

  • Computer and language instruction

(Age 11-12)

  • Drug and violence prevention

  • Volunteer and community service

  • College awareness and preparation

  • Employment preparation

  • Homework assistance

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