Please bring schedules 2 weeks in advanced.
Make sure to sign all paperwork upon drop-off / pick-up
If your child is expected to be late or absent, please call and let us know, communication is highly important!
Please remember to keep a extra set of clothes, pampers, and wipes.
If your child is ill or running a temperature greater than 100.0 you will have to make other arrangements as we are pre-screening upon entry. We know as this can be frustrating and difficult for everyone but taking extra precaution for the health and safety of everyone is our main focus.
Health & Safety Tips:
Safe Care Learning Center strives to provide a fun, healthy and safe environment so we can safely grow to be at our fullest potential. Here are just a few things we can do to ensure that!
Come ready for the day, maintain cleanliness, always make sure your children have their medications filled on time if any and up-to-date physicals.
Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day morning and night.
Help your child to continue to wash their hands before and after meals, and after using the restroom and playing outside. As well as more frequently than before to help stop the spread of Coronavirus always wash / sanitize your hands.
Dress your children for appropriate weather. Please stay up-to-date with temperture and weather watches / warnings. Please always make sure you update your phone number and emergency contact information as weather may cause closings or cancellations. Also teach emergency evacuation plans at home as it may save a life and frequently check the batteries in your fire alarms to make sure they are properly working. If you have any questions regarding any home safety or plans you may contact your local fire department for further assistance.
Vehicle safety, remember to always buckle up and make sure you have the correct car seat that is required for your child, always double check to make sure it is properly secured and buckled in. Do not leave children in the car during hot / cold weather always check your back seat!